What do you do when...
...you can't think of anything to write?
Make a list.
Today it's tv shows...tomorrow...who knows?
So what does a nut like myself watch on television? You may actually be surprised. 21 years, 21 shows.
(21)The Apprentice
Yeah, I'm Black. Yeah, I'm a Black woman. Yeah, I'm a New Yorker. Yeah, Trump repulses me. But I happen to like the show. I don't know how much longer now that it comes on Monday nights opposite the unmissable 24, but I like the show as corny, scripted and obvious as it may be.
(20)American Idol
Nothing more than a guilty pleasure. Don't laugh. You watch it too. The ratings don't lie.
(19)The Boondocks
I can't stand the fact that Regina King is doing both Huey and Riley's voices and I like the comic strip better, but when I watch, I usually enjoy.
(18)Flavor of Love
If this show weren't so stupid and I weren't so embarrassed to admit that I never miss an episode going so far as to watch the early Sunday noon premiere of each episode...the show would have been ranked much higher on my list.
You can't tell me Pumkin (that's how Flav spells it) bringing the flem up from her chest and hurling a vicious loogey at an unsuspecting Ms. New York was not disgustingly funny television...as is the entire show.
(17)Extreme Home Makeover
Loud annoying dude aside...if the first 5 minutes and the last 10 minutes of this show don't move you, you're heartless.
(16)Law & Order Criminal Intent
They're confusing me with the 2 sets of partners with different story lines. I like the crazy dude and the emotionless lady set of partners better than "he and she have been on everything" set. However, it's still Law & Order and I never...ever miss Law & Order. Unless it's a rerun of that mercifully cancelled Trial By Jury mess.
(15)Curb Your Enthusiasm
Larry David is a comedic genius.
(14)Inside the NBA
EJ, Kenny and Charles are the only reasons to watch some of these boring NBA games. I love them even more every time I sit through the annoying wannabes on ESPN who add nothing of substance to the equation. Charles loses me sometimes with his nonsense, but then I remember it's Charles.
(13)Real Time with Bill Maher
It's the only way I can stand to watch politics on tv. Normally, I'd just rather read about it or listen to NPR. And no, I'm not usually home on Friday nights watching people discuss politics...okay, most Friday nights. I catch it on the re-run during the week thank you very much.
Always something interesting and informative. And I've liked Stone Phillips since I was little.
I can do without some of the acting. But the writing and Ari make up for it. Hug it out.
(10)Law & Order
Jesse L. Martin irks and annoys me. There...I said it. Still, it's Law & Order and I never...ever miss Law & Order. I'd be glad to hum the theme song for you.
(9) Everybody Hate Chris
Exactly what tv needed...a mostly realistic black family. Watching BET, it'd be hard to know they existed.
(8)The Sopranos
I have one thing to say...March 12, 9pm. Period.
*Got myself a gun*
(7)Will & Grace
Should be named Jack & Karen. I've loved this show since the beginning and I might even miss it when it's gone.
Just Jack!
(6)Project Runway
Why is Santino still there? What gives? The man has had his poor model walk out on the runway looking like a turkey, a clown and a cupcake. Why is he in the top 3? I was upset when Nick left and something about Chloe rubs me the wrong way, so I'm rooting for Daniel V. Aaaandre.
Make it work.
(5)Family Guy
Hands down the funniest thing on tv. Stewie is the white, male, infant version of me. I could quote Stewie lines all day. Thankfully, I don't have all day. If you can't laugh watching this show, you may just be severly depressed or just totally incapable of enjoying life. What The Deuce?!
Normally, I couldn't care less about suspense or a gimmick such as chopping a season into a day. I thought I wasn't really going to be feeling the show but I'd give it a chance anyway. Now I never miss an episode as if something in my life is really going to be any different if I miss what happened between the hours of 8 and 9.
(3)Law & Order: SVU
Easily the best of the Law & Order family. Benson, Stabeler and Munch make even Ice-T's "acting" bearable. Well written, creative, witty, usually unpredictable and very New York. Once again, I will hum the song for you.
(2)Grey's Anatomy
I love this show. I love the fact that it doesn't take itself as seriously and uptight as ER. All that drama is only good but for so long. Even doctors laugh occassionally. I liked Sandra Oh in Sideways...see it if you haven't...and she does a great job on the show. I can find something to like in all of the characters which is rare. It doesn't dwell on one storyline for too long and the pace is quick enough to keep me interested week after week. It's well written, well acted and entertaining.
(1)The Wire
THE BEST SHOW ON TV. WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING IT? Watch the show when it starts back up on HBO some time this year. Rent the previous 3 seasons on DVD if you can. The show has everything. It's gritty, realistic...forget it...do your own research. WATCH THE SHOW.
Honorable mention: Arrested Development - people don't appreciate good tv. I think I was one of 5 people who watched the show before it was cancelled.
Deal or No Deal; Real World, Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet 2; MTV's True Life series
Make a list.
Today it's tv shows...tomorrow...who knows?
So what does a nut like myself watch on television? You may actually be surprised. 21 years, 21 shows.
(21)The Apprentice
Yeah, I'm Black. Yeah, I'm a Black woman. Yeah, I'm a New Yorker. Yeah, Trump repulses me. But I happen to like the show. I don't know how much longer now that it comes on Monday nights opposite the unmissable 24, but I like the show as corny, scripted and obvious as it may be.
(20)American Idol
Nothing more than a guilty pleasure. Don't laugh. You watch it too. The ratings don't lie.
(19)The Boondocks
I can't stand the fact that Regina King is doing both Huey and Riley's voices and I like the comic strip better, but when I watch, I usually enjoy.
(18)Flavor of Love
If this show weren't so stupid and I weren't so embarrassed to admit that I never miss an episode going so far as to watch the early Sunday noon premiere of each episode...the show would have been ranked much higher on my list.
You can't tell me Pumkin (that's how Flav spells it) bringing the flem up from her chest and hurling a vicious loogey at an unsuspecting Ms. New York was not disgustingly funny television...as is the entire show.
(17)Extreme Home Makeover
Loud annoying dude aside...if the first 5 minutes and the last 10 minutes of this show don't move you, you're heartless.
(16)Law & Order Criminal Intent
They're confusing me with the 2 sets of partners with different story lines. I like the crazy dude and the emotionless lady set of partners better than "he and she have been on everything" set. However, it's still Law & Order and I never...ever miss Law & Order. Unless it's a rerun of that mercifully cancelled Trial By Jury mess.
(15)Curb Your Enthusiasm
Larry David is a comedic genius.
(14)Inside the NBA
EJ, Kenny and Charles are the only reasons to watch some of these boring NBA games. I love them even more every time I sit through the annoying wannabes on ESPN who add nothing of substance to the equation. Charles loses me sometimes with his nonsense, but then I remember it's Charles.
(13)Real Time with Bill Maher
It's the only way I can stand to watch politics on tv. Normally, I'd just rather read about it or listen to NPR. And no, I'm not usually home on Friday nights watching people discuss politics...okay, most Friday nights. I catch it on the re-run during the week thank you very much.
Always something interesting and informative. And I've liked Stone Phillips since I was little.
I can do without some of the acting. But the writing and Ari make up for it. Hug it out.
(10)Law & Order
Jesse L. Martin irks and annoys me. There...I said it. Still, it's Law & Order and I never...ever miss Law & Order. I'd be glad to hum the theme song for you.
(9) Everybody Hate Chris
Exactly what tv needed...a mostly realistic black family. Watching BET, it'd be hard to know they existed.
(8)The Sopranos
I have one thing to say...March 12, 9pm. Period.
*Got myself a gun*
(7)Will & Grace
Should be named Jack & Karen. I've loved this show since the beginning and I might even miss it when it's gone.
Just Jack!
(6)Project Runway
Why is Santino still there? What gives? The man has had his poor model walk out on the runway looking like a turkey, a clown and a cupcake. Why is he in the top 3? I was upset when Nick left and something about Chloe rubs me the wrong way, so I'm rooting for Daniel V. Aaaandre.
Make it work.
(5)Family Guy
Hands down the funniest thing on tv. Stewie is the white, male, infant version of me. I could quote Stewie lines all day. Thankfully, I don't have all day. If you can't laugh watching this show, you may just be severly depressed or just totally incapable of enjoying life. What The Deuce?!
Normally, I couldn't care less about suspense or a gimmick such as chopping a season into a day. I thought I wasn't really going to be feeling the show but I'd give it a chance anyway. Now I never miss an episode as if something in my life is really going to be any different if I miss what happened between the hours of 8 and 9.
(3)Law & Order: SVU
Easily the best of the Law & Order family. Benson, Stabeler and Munch make even Ice-T's "acting" bearable. Well written, creative, witty, usually unpredictable and very New York. Once again, I will hum the song for you.
(2)Grey's Anatomy
I love this show. I love the fact that it doesn't take itself as seriously and uptight as ER. All that drama is only good but for so long. Even doctors laugh occassionally. I liked Sandra Oh in Sideways...see it if you haven't...and she does a great job on the show. I can find something to like in all of the characters which is rare. It doesn't dwell on one storyline for too long and the pace is quick enough to keep me interested week after week. It's well written, well acted and entertaining.
(1)The Wire
THE BEST SHOW ON TV. WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING IT? Watch the show when it starts back up on HBO some time this year. Rent the previous 3 seasons on DVD if you can. The show has everything. It's gritty, realistic...forget it...do your own research. WATCH THE SHOW.
Honorable mention: Arrested Development - people don't appreciate good tv. I think I was one of 5 people who watched the show before it was cancelled.
Deal or No Deal; Real World, Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet 2; MTV's True Life series
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM
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